TILT - Teachers Improving Learning with Technology

Monday, June 27, 2005

TILT Episode 1 - Enhancing the Writing Process Using the Internet

TILT Episode 1 is ready and I can't wait for feedback! In this episode we review some websites which can help students and teachers plan their writing, learn new writing techniques and structures, share their writing with others, and generate excitement and enthusiasm for the writing process in meaningful ways.

Educationally, I purposely chose websites as the main form of content for the reason that activities involving the Internet are highly accessable for average teachers - no installs, no versions of software or platform issues, no highly technical knowledge required, etc.

Technically, I made a conscious effort to keep the filesize down (approximately 13 Mb Windows Media Video (.wmv) file). The result, however, is some blurriness and a small screen size. Again, please offer feedback as it's easy for me to create a larger or better-quality video, however file size will increase. I was listening to Leo Laporte's 'This Week in Tech' podcast yesterday and related to this I heard a great quote which applies here: "You can have it good, quick, and easy - pick any 2."

Anyhow, please send us your knowledge, experiences, advice, and resources! Send it in text, audio, video, photos, screenshots - send it all! This is an interactive broadcast that is created from and shaped by the educational community for the benefit of our students' learning! Email

Click to view TILT Episode 1 - Using the Internet to Enhance Writing.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Episodes: Themes versus Segments, Quick versus Full

I've gone back and forth with this issue and am wondering how we should shape TILT (yes I said WE). Do we offer episodes that are based around a theme (say, for example a whole episode on problem-based learning with technology which is currently in production set to be released next week) or should we have a few different segments in each episode (for example, a bit on great educational websites, a bit on project ideas, a bit on software tutorials, etc.)? I think what I'll do is start with a themed episode on PBL with technology and then do a segmented episode on a few different things and see what viewers think. Chuck it against the wall and see what sticks so to speak.

Another issue - do I offer quick 2-5 minute episodes which I could pump out weekly or do I make a larger 10-15 minute show which might take 2-3 weeks to produce? Let us know.

Send your feedback, show ideas, etc. through the 'Comments' section of this blog or email tilttv@gmail.com .

Thanks all!
Danny Maas

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

TILT TV Welcomes You!

Well, my first experience with vidcasting is just complete with the production of a short welcome video for viewers of TILT TV. I used the demo version of Serious Magic's Visual Communicator 2 to produce the 1-minute segment.

This segment gives viewers an overview of what to expect from TILT TV and provides more details on submitting content to future episodes!

Click to view TILT TV's Welcome video segment.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Submissions for TILT Episodes

In addition to posting comments about TILT episodes you've watched, I invite you to submit content to be broadcast in future TILT episodes! Links, student project ideas, tutorials/lesson plans - we welcome any content that will further student learning across all subject areas using technology! Text, photos/graphics, audio, video - send it in!

Email your submissions to tilttv@gmail.com .

*Note - please do not send pictures or video that contains specific identifying information.

Yours in learning,
Danny Maas
Founder and producer of TILT