TILT - Teachers Improving Learning with Technology

Sunday, October 22, 2006

TILT Episode 14 - So You Want to be a Vidcaster?

Quite a few people have asked me about how I create TILT episodes. Some want to have their students create their own vidcasts/vodcasts/videoblogs/screencasts and some are interested in creating their own, either for their students, their staff, or for the blogosphere. In this episode, I'll show you how I create these video episodes for FREE. If/when you decide to 'take the plunge' with this type of thing, drop me an email so I can check it out!

Windows Media Encoder (Free Windows Screen Recorder)
Snapz Pro X (Apple Screen Recorder)
*UPDATE* iShowU - Another highly-rated Mac Screen Recorder

Large Google Video Version
Right-click to download:
MPEG-4 (320 x 240, 47 MB)
Windows Media (640 x 480, 65 MB)

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

TILT Episode 13 - Math Fact Websites are FUN!

Students and teachers from grades 2-9 and beyond often struggle with learning basic math facts. As educators, we know how important memorizing these facts can be in learning numerous other math concepts, yet learning these facts can be a difficult, almost painful process for students. In this episode, we'll look at a few websites which will help students learn basic facts and teachers learn basic facts in a fun way.

Links in this episode:
Math Mayhem (00:29)
Multiflyer (02:14)
Multiplication.com (05:23)
Mathflash! (09:54)

Google Video Large Version
Right-click (Mac Command + click) to download this episode
Windows Media (640 x 480, 47.8 MB)
MPEG-4 (320 x 240) (35Mb)

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