TILT - Teachers Improving Learning with Technology

Sunday, October 22, 2006

TILT Episode 14 - So You Want to be a Vidcaster?

Quite a few people have asked me about how I create TILT episodes. Some want to have their students create their own vidcasts/vodcasts/videoblogs/screencasts and some are interested in creating their own, either for their students, their staff, or for the blogosphere. In this episode, I'll show you how I create these video episodes for FREE. If/when you decide to 'take the plunge' with this type of thing, drop me an email so I can check it out!

Windows Media Encoder (Free Windows Screen Recorder)
Snapz Pro X (Apple Screen Recorder)
*UPDATE* iShowU - Another highly-rated Mac Screen Recorder

Large Google Video Version
Right-click to download:
MPEG-4 (320 x 240, 47 MB)
Windows Media (640 x 480, 65 MB)

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  • At 24.11.06, Blogger Moturoa said…

    A great help with perp[aring a video podcast for my class. Thank you

  • At 23.1.07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for the lesson - in the last few days I have created a few videos and a K & E Teacher blog: keteachersgroup.blogspot.com I can see many ways to use this for both teaching and student projects - thanks for giving me something new to "play" with.

  • At 29.11.07, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice article you got here, thank you very much. Lemme show you one of the gretest tv portals i know, great if you are watching TV at work http://live-tv-channels.com/

  • At 30.6.08, Blogger Your Tutor Online said…

    I use CamStudio for my videos. Its also a free screen capture service. Sometimes the audio is a bit off and I need to re-compress it using another program.

    I find the need to convert videos to shrink it from the large .avi format. YouConvertIt.com can convert any file format. I prefer mp4 because it is small, doesn't loose much quality, and is ready for iTunes.

  • At 13.11.09, Blogger Unknown said…

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  • At 24.11.09, Blogger Unknown said…

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  • At 30.11.09, Blogger Unknown said…

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