TILT - Teachers Improving Learning with Technology

Thursday, June 01, 2006

TILT Episode 11 - Technology for Thinking

Some say that technology does not improve student learning, and have plenty of data to back it up. Others say the reason for that is that teachers aren't teaching differently with technology than they do in their classrooms. I say that if we want to improve learning with technology, we need to understand the learning process. Once we do, we'll be better able to apply those beliefs about how learning should happen to any technology that comes our way.

In this episode, we'll look at 3 popular learning theories, and make connections to how technology can leverage the learning process.

Google Video - larger version
MPEG-4 Version - 64Mb, 320x240 (Right-click and 'Save target as' to download)
Windows Media Version - 83Mb, 640x480

Show Notes

Constructivism - 01:27
Social Cognition - 04:39
Brain-based Learning - 11:04

Show Links
Q-Matrix Presentation
Big 6
Class Blogmeister
Doing CL
Collaborative Learning Structures
Social Constructivism

Jigsaw Classroom
Crash Course in Learning Theory
Great Problem-Based Learning Article (3MB PDF) by Miguel Guhlin
Math game website shown in the video - Count On
FreePlayMusic - Free music for school-based projects (don't upload to the Internet)
Class Blogmeister
Pod-o-matic - Free online podcasting tool
Funderstanding - Brain-based Learning

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