TILT - Teachers Improving Learning with Technology

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Student-created Graphic Organizer Activities to Enhance Visual Literacy & Deepen Learning

Having students create their own graphic organizers with key words or phrases, multimedia, connections, color, and layout can be a great way for them to develop visual literacy and thinking skills, construct and represent knowledge, and show the connections between their ideas and understandings.

In this episode, participants will be shown specific examples of three different types of graphic organizers for different purposes:
  • Compare and Contrast Map
  • Concept Map (in the form of an opinion composition)
  • Hierarchy/Classification Map (in the form of a decision tree)
These three graphic organizers will be demonstrated using three tools which are free or readily available for most students:
  • PowerPoint (not just a slide show tool anymore!)
  • Prezi zooming presentation tool
  • Glogster EDU multimedia poster tool
The ideas shared and discussed with participants will be consistent with the social constructivist classroom in a Universal Design for Learning environment.

 Right-click to download:
iTunes Version (640 x 480, 29 MB)
Windows Media Version (640 x 480, 39 MB)